Hi, I'm
Fritzi Lee!
I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, educator, time-management instructor, Bible study leader, lover of tea and hospitality, former color and image consultant, business owner, former home-school mother and consultant, follower of Yeshua, and survivor.
Reading and writing have been an essential part of my personal growth and spiritual journey. Reflecting through the written word is an invaluable practice for sifting and refining ideas, testing the integrity of our opinions, and sharing the salt and light given to us by Abba.
I've written in many places over the years, some in times of darkness and some in times of light. Now, I write from a little farmhouse on a small, quiet hill in rural Illinois, a favorite spot for teatime guests and the occasional red fox.
May you find encouragement and take heart from what you find in this corner. I pray that Yahweh's peace, hope, and truth will always shine forth for you (here and in all other places.)
Thanks for stopping by!